

3 months.

That's how long it took to get through to a group of 6th graders a few years ago.

I had more than 30 students in that class, 10 of whom were boys with some kind of issue....

ADD, ADHD, ODD, BIP, IEP, 504, you name it, they had it.

It was a constant struggle at first. The boys complained about everything: me, the projects, the class, each other, etc.

They tried to start fights on multiple occasions.

My attempts to have a peaceful class seemed fruitless, but I just dug my heels in and kept trying.

I focused on my own attitude, forcing myself to enjoy the ones who wanted to be there.

I was having fun even if those 10 boys weren't.

I also did not allow them to get away with their behavior, consistently holding them accountable by moving their seats, calling parents, or giving alternative assignments.

I never showed anger or annoyance with them, but nonchalantly applied a consequence whenever they would get out of line.

My joy was unshakeable, and eventually each one of the boys decided that I was okay.

They started enjoying the class and joking with me, and by the end of the semester there was hardly any trace of negative behavior.

Classroom management takes time.

Sometimes it takes a LOT of time.

Be patient with yourself, keep trying, and eventually most of the kids will come around.

You will make it!

It's not you.

It's them.

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